On View in the Felicity R. “Bebe” Benoleil Gallery
Visual Artist Fellowship Alumni Exhibitions
On View: March 9 - April 14, 2023
Save the date: Reception on April 13, 5-7pm
Where: Felicity R. “Bebe” Benoliel Gallery, The Barclay, 237 S 18th Street, Suite 3A, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Gallery Hours: Monday- Friday, 11 am- 4pm, and by appointment. Contact: Genevieve@cfeva.org
Blanket by MiKyoung Lee
Artist and Visual Artist Fellowship alum, MiKyoung Lee presents Blanket, a performance and film project that address cloth as a shelter, a rest place, as well as another layer of body and space. Her project Blanket observes the city fragrance, city landscape of wealth, poverty, history, noises, residues, temperature, and temperaments. Lee wanted the blanket to touch the city and sense the place as she walked through the city one step at a time. The blanket was gathering its own story by collecting each moment of the city condition.
About the Artist:
Mi-Kyoung Lee is a Philadelphia-based artist. Lee is currently Director of School of Art, Design, and Art History and Professor of Art, College of Visual and Performing Arts, at James Madison University, in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She received her BFA from Dong-A University in Korea, and she earned her two masters degrees in Book Arts and Printmaking from The University of the Arts and in Fibers from the Cranbrook Academy of Arts. Lee has held eighteen solo exhibitions and a number of national and international lectures, curatorial and collaborative projects, and exhibitions, including the Arizona Art Museum, Cranbrook Museum of Art, Reading Public Museum, Painted Bride Art Center, New York and Chicago SOFA, Busan Metropolitan Museum, in Korea, Espace de Tisserands, France, International Fiber Art Festivals in Seoul, Korea, 10th International Beijing Fiber Biennale, and 8th Beijing International Visual Art Biennale, in 2019. Lee is currently exhibiting a two person touring show Stories of Memories at Jupiter Art Museum, in Shenzhen City, China. Lee was an editor for Art Textile of the World: Korea, Volume I, which was published in December 2005, by the Telos Art Publishing company, in London, and she has contributed many essays to magazines and newspapers in Korea and the USA. Lee has collaborated with the International Opera Theater from 2005 until 2019 as a costume and set designer, as well as an art director. (www.internatioanloperatheater.org) Lee received a fellowship from the Center for Emerging, Artist, in Philadelphia 2016.
Lee has been invited to and served as a Foreign Expert from the School of Art and Design, Tsinghua University, in Beijing, and as an Advisory Board member from Center for Emerging Artists, since 2019. Lee is currently serving as Board member of Directors forCraftNOW Philadelphia, Surface Design Association, and Korean School of Southern New Jersey. Last year, she was honored to receive a Global Scholar Fellowship from Ewha Womans University, in Seoul Korea