हम स्वयंour selves
Art in the Open
For now, हम स्वयंour selves is artists Elizabeth Shores and Ankur Yadav, who have communed within their everyday lives despite being physically separated in Behror and Lennapahoking/Philadelphia since 2021 when they met by chance in Beirut and again in Shawmut/Boston (but never
once in person).
Reflecting on the four colors found in both the Indian and USA military uniforms, हमwe observe camouflage in relation to world-making here on जमीनearth, to which हम always points. हम keep traveling to see हम स्वयं without leaving जमीन, viewing each other’s environments, floating within frames, and, over time, becoming friends. Although singular people, we always contain more, in part because we co-create within हम स्वयंourselves in pursuit of the infinitely hopeful potential that we might eventually become more than just us.