Natasha Zeta

2022 Visual Artist Fellow

Natasha Zeta (b. 1993, Mumbai) is a mixed media painter who creates interactive portraiture with broken mirror to foster a positive dialogue on mental health and self image. Zeta uses mirror as a tool to engage the viewer and allow them to literally and metaphorically step into another perspective. Her work seeks to challenge the viewer’s preconceptions and expand spaces for empathetic engagement. Zeta seeks to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental health by creating a platform for her subjects to share their stories and positive realizations on ways they heal and grow. Zeta’s work amplifies the stories of those who have been marginalized and seeks to strengthen the community from within. Zeta has exhibited nationally including a solo exhibition at the University of the Arts and (pending funding)Wanderlife Gallery, and a permanent mural installed in Chatham, New Jersey. A solo exhibition in 2020 was canceled.